October 2023, effective from January 2024

The following documents are provided as examples to assist interns and preceptors in their understanding of how to complete the Assessment of EPA Forms on compounding medicines.

Salicylic acid and sulfur cream

  1. EPA-2(a) Example - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur Cream Compounding Scenario (3 pages PDF)
  2. EPA-2(a) Example - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur Cream Compounding Scenario - Completed Assessment of EPA Form (3 pages PDF)


  1. EPA-2(b) Example - Omeprazole Compounding Scenario (4 pages PDF)
  2. EPA-2(b) Example - Omeprazole Compounding Scenario - Completed Assessment of EPA Form (2 pages PDF)

Refer to the Compounding - Preceptor and intern user guide for additional information on Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs).

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