Education providers may wish to make a change to their accredited program.
However, they must notify us and seek approval before making a change. Providers cannot implement a change until our Accreditation Committee approves it.
Changes to a program can include:
We will decide if the change is 'minor' or 'material'. A 'material' change will incur a fee.
We have different NoC forms depending on both the program type and the type of change you are planning for your accredited program.
Please see the below table to find a form which relates to your change.
Programs that lead to registration - degree and intern training programs.
Type of change |
Organisational structure only, or organisational structure and designated leader only (PDF 10 pages) |
Programs for registered pharmacists to undertake specific roles.
Medication Management Review (MMR) or Aged Care On-site Pharmacists (ACOP):
Type of change |
Pharmacist Prescriber:
Type of change |
If you are unsure about what form to use, or would like a Word version of a form, please contact us for assistance.